Recent content by Sorakie

  1. Sorakie

    Have a great summer!

    I'm almost there, still got finals.. But I hope you enjoy your summer as well!
  2. Sorakie

    A Game To Remember

    I'm actually in the middle of playing it. So far so good, if story wise it matches BOTW, TOTK might overtake it. The new mechanics is too cool to not like.
  3. Sorakie

    A Game To Remember

    Elden Ring was great, personally though I liked Sekiro better. It hit different for me!
  4. Sorakie

    New Idea, Planes and boats working on coal

    I've played on other EarthSMP's with vehicles. It was very fun, would be great if they were introduced to ManaCube!
  5. Sorakie

    Looking for Builder

    I recommend the player AsxtralKami (they are nicknamed "Astral" in game). Do /t spawn DeLuna for examples of his build. He's good at medieval builds!
  6. Sorakie

    A Game To Remember

    What is a game that you'd want to forget just to play again? For me, the game I would want to replay all over again would be Breath of the Wild. Meeting new characters and solving puzzles, the feeling of freedom with the open world concept, and just the overall combat mechanics were very...
  7. Sorakie

    Count to 1000 Before a Admin posts

    Twenty 7
  8. Sorakie

    Best Pokémon

    Best pokemon without a doubt is Celebi. The concept of time travel is cool.
  9. Sorakie

    The Sorakie

    Hello I am Sorakie. I play on the Earth server, and I have too little time on my hands to be grinding this much. If Astral sees this, I hope you stub your toe.
  10. Sorakie

    QOTD: What is your favorite thing to do on ManaCube?

    Grind spider heads on Earth... Actually grind TOO MANY spider heads on earth.