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  1. Paradox_Nutella

    Rip friend list

    well the friend list got reset so will this be fixed or will we need to add everyone again This is 700th thread btw
  2. Paradox_Nutella

    Closed Parkour Insane Map- Fish Tank Parkour

    Creators: Paradox_Nutella, CheeseJitzu Warp: /plot visit Aerophic 7 Difficulty: Insane/Expert Theme: Fish Tank Jumps: I didn't really keep track but it's around 96? Checkpoints: 8 Screenshots: -Paradox_Nutella If you need more screenshots go to the plot
  3. Paradox_Nutella

    First Non-Donor to Reach Champion

    Well apparently I'm the first non-donor to reach the rank Champion. It's an honor
  4. Paradox_Nutella

    This is the 100th Thread

    Hello its me This is the 100th thread for this topic of introduction So my IGN is Paradox_Nutella My old IGN was Paradox2278 I like to meet new friends
  5. Paradox_Nutella


    IGN: Paradox_Nutella Hi
  6. Paradox_Nutella

    Plugin suggestion

    there's a plugin where players are allowed to do /playtime. This allows them to see how many days, hours, minutes, seconds, your playtime on the server is. I'm not sure if the developer or staff have added that plugin, but otherwise this is a suggestion.