More Grades!!

Aug 3, 2016
Now I love the idea of getting grades based off of the work you have accomplished to a certain level without the shortcut of being purchased or anything else. This is an aspect I truly love about this server and keeps wanting me to come back to do bigger and better! Not because of the perks that it may give but due to the grade that shows your worth and ability on the server.

For the amount of time I have been playing now I have realised that quite a few people want to get a grade and get turned down for various reasons. Main one being "Haven't filled the plot". But despite whatever they fill the plot with they are automatically given a D grade eventually after pestering the staff enough etc.

So I was thinking maybe more grades but on the lower part of the spectrum, going from D down to maybe a U depending on how many additional you want to add. Another part of the lower grades is that hopefully they are just automated, so the first few grades are done without staff verification and without staff feeling obliged to give the D rank after a couple of times.
  • U - rank:
    Now for my first idea this is more to satisfy the looks of the chat. Since people who have grades and people that don't are skewed off, was thinking that people that first join could get a U rank next to their name. The U in schooling terms means "ungraded" which obviously is true since they haven't built anything yet or had anything marked

  • F - rank:
    The F rank could either be the FAIL rank if you want it to be or could be an extra stage towards getting towards the D rank. But people might complain by having an F next to their name but something else could be used.
    But anyways my idea for the next rank is that it is given Automatically when the said player has placed X amount of blocks. Which is whatever number you would think would justify a decent plot being used adequately. This could also be coupled with a time parameter so that people don't just spam around blocks for however to just get the first grade.

  • E - rank:
    At E I thought it would be a good idea that this would be at the point the new people that have joined can now use /submit to gain the higher grades. This could stop staff from being endlessly given requests for marks and hopefully by this point a plot worth getting a grade.
    Now to get this grade I didn't really have a good idea so this could be just a lower grade for people who don't meet the requirements to receive the D rank, or just a greater time played and block placement count.
Either way I think that some extra automated grades could help with staff time and stop people using staff time up unnecessarily until they have had the correct amount of time on the server. The perks and other things I wouldn't really know about but I do stand strong that /submit should be used after getting through a time played/block placement rank. These are just ideas and I am open to additional ideas as well as some constructive critism from anyone so please do say =)

Thanks for reading,


Forum Master
Nov 3, 2015
1,145 45
This is a great post and it's great you have put forward your ideas. It is much appreciated!

This is a really lovely idea offering the ability of grades to everyone but it's really not as easy as it seems. Perhaps some of these ideas could become challenges such as the blocks placed. Yet, if the amount of blocks placed was a requirement for a grade people would just aimlessly place blocks for the grade.
Automatic grades would also be lovely but we need the plots to be moderated as there are many people who like to submit lag plots or inappropriate plots. If the grades where automatic these players could easily abuse the system to get a grade and this would make it harder to moderate than it currently is.

And finally, you did mention this, players wouldn't really want a U or F next to their name as it degrades them and it doesn't look the greatest. There wouldn't also be much to replace these letters either.

All players are able to achieve the lowest current grade of a D they just need to put some work and effort into it. Staff and many players are always willing to help others and give them tips on how they can reach a grade.


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2014
448 5
I really like your ideas for some new grades! Here is what I have to say.

U is a great idea, but maybe with a different letter, or a actual word. It could be a reward after you place x blocks/ x time.

E is also a nice idea, for those players that are almost there! Maybe instead of a E we could use D- as they do D+, C+, etc. But nice idea!

Overall nice ideas to improve the server! :)

Happy building, JuanitoG
Aug 3, 2016
Thanks for the responses so far guys really appreciate it.

The main reason for using U,F,E where just to make it uniform with the grading system. More than one letter tags may cause the chat to look messy and people wouldn't feel if it was far is someone had worked hard to get a higher grade yet their name was less "flashy" in chat.
Perhaps other single letter characters such as symbols (#,* etc.) or numbers for tasks completed.

I do realise setting up new ranks is quite a lengthy task and not always simple and easy. Perhaps bringing back member+ with the block placement/time idea so that once you have member+ you are able to /submit.

But once again thanks for your feedback =)
[DOUBLEPOST=1476238832][/DOUBLEPOST]Also secondary idea to follow on from this:

There is /plist on the server that shows everyone on the creative server with some members coming up under a grade. Would like the idea of having a command that instead of showing people by the rank of VIP or VIP+ that there was another command. Such as /glist that shows everyone by the grade that they have. Just another idea =P