Recent content by TheCrimulo

  1. T

    Forum Donator Rank

    I bought Legend past week, please, give me the rank. I am TheCrimulo
  2. T

    Spawn Player Heads with NBTTags.

    Ok, thank you so much.
  3. T

    The One who rules the land

    The One who rules the land
  4. T

    Spawn Player Heads with NBTTags.

    But I haven't got the Username, and I tried using the UUID and don't work, I think is a Internet Generated head, like from Dragnoz.
  5. T

    Spawn Player Heads with NBTTags.

    I can't use any of the commands of the server, except /give, I can't use Vanilla NBTtags on /ph spawn
  6. T

    Spawn Player Heads with NBTTags.

    Hi, I was trying to get some players head finding it on the FreshCoal database (, but I can't only get the head on /give and with NBTs i.e: Hot Chocolate Head: (/give @p skull 1 3...
  7. T

    Olympus Cheap Market - The cheapest Pro Market

    Only typing '/ph AresGamerHD' you will see a castle, A market castle! In the Red/Orange/Yellow shops you can buy pro things like Diamond Blocks for 500$, 64 Iron ingots for 1600$ and much more. So what are you doing here, Go to buy in our market!
  8. T

    Add quartz (Not in block) to shop

    I would love having comparators, i tried to make a sorting systen but, 'Oh, my comparators no!'