Search results

  1. Billybo10000

    Rejected Monument Parkour

    Hey, you asked for some advice on the map. However, I tended to avoid most insane maps because of one rather large flaw. Your map doesn't make 100% use of the set-piece, the Monuments, instead adding random Floating Parkour that makes no sense at all with the theme. You sort of chuck Neo jumps...
  2. Billybo10000

    Rejected parkour submission bull

    Hi there, I used to judge maps on this server, like a year ago, and I thought I'd just give some constructive criticism. Pixel art is not exactly the best map to build for the server. It takes much less effort than an actual original structure and most of the time it turns into "Let's put...
  3. Billybo10000

    Accepted Aquatic Tower - Medium Map Submission - By Billybae10K (Mapper)

    Hello there guys, Billybo10000 here, ex-moderator, ex-mapper, ex-map judge, etc. I've decided to come out of my hiatus from this server to bring you a new medium map featuring a diverse aquatic theme (Without water, surprisingly). Genre - Medium Jump Count - 51 Checkpoints - 3 (Including the...
  4. Billybo10000

    So relaxed now I'm out of the stress of responsibility.

    So relaxed now I'm out of the stress of responsibility.
  5. Billybo10000

    Accepted Rainbow Dropper Parkour [Medium]

    Yes, and I respect your opinion, as long as you don't change the forum prefix. That's legitimately the job of a staff member, you know that.
  6. Billybo10000

    Accepted MIckey Mouse PK

    Your map has been accepted, on the condition that you change the difficulty to easy.
  7. Billybo10000

    Rejected [Insane] Helltower

    Does this map still exist?
  8. Billybo10000

    Rejected The Flooded House (A Story About a M8) Easy Rated

    This map has been rejected. Reasons for this include: This entire map was messy. And I don't mean the theme. When a map has a theme based on destruction or something being broken, smashed and destroyed, there has to be an element of polish, and you need to make it look convincing. This just...
  9. Billybo10000

    Accepted Rainbow Dropper Parkour [Medium]

    Tenshi, you are not an official map judge, or a member of the staff team. Therefore, I must respectively ask that you refrain from changing thread prefixes. It makes the job harder for those of us sifting through the maps.
  10. Billybo10000

    Rejected Periodic Table Insane

    Evidently this map has not been play tested very well. The barriers on the course are out of hand and at the final fence jump on Argon, you cannot make the jump as there is a barrier right above your head, making it impossible to jump the fences. Play test your maps before you submit them...
  11. Billybo10000

    Medium Map Submission - Stonehenge

    Congratulations, your map has been accepted! Your use of the environment worked well as you managed to hide so many layers of the parkour among the seven to eight stone columns. Well done.
  12. Billybo10000

    Accepted Easy Map Submission - Sphinx

    Congratulations, your map has been accepted! It combines the intricacy of ancient Egypt, while also serving as a good multiplayer race course.
  13. Billybo10000

    Rejected Anvil and Haybale Parkour [Hard]

    Sadly this map has been rejected. Reasons for this include: Very recently, we accepted maps with similar themes to this map. As such, I have to compare this map to those maps. Your map does not have the intricate detail or design to work well. The barrier parkour makes no sense (I know it's...
  14. Billybo10000

    Rejected Godzillacorn Parkour

    This map has been rejected. Reasons for this include: The parkour of the map, as well as the theme itself, are strong elements that really lend well to the course. The first quartz building was fun to parkour through and the mother Godzillacorn was fun. However, I just didn't see the unicorn...
  15. Billybo10000

    [Completed] "The Welcome Back" Parkour Tournament! Hosted By: The PK Mods

    If I wasn't a mod, I'd join it ;-;
  16. Billybo10000

    Rejected Wet Hay PK [Medium/Hard] by Wafflethecat

    Currently, I am unable to find this map. For now, it is being rejected. If you can give us a proper warp for the map, we will happily take a look, although you will have to re-submit the map. ~ Billy
  17. Billybo10000

    Accepted The Stanley Parkourable.

    I would say that this parkour excells in the genre better than our already accepted map, Angel. If it were a rainbow map, I would have this quandary, but this map is more appealing and easier to get to grips with, making it more accessible.
  18. Billybo10000

    Accepted The Stanley Parkourable.

    The idea of the map is very well designed. I would accept this map, except you only give the illusion of choice. If this were actually like the Stanley Parable, you would have multiple map endings. Instead, of the two places where you make choices, one leads to the same place no matter what...
  19. Billybo10000

    Rejected Biome themed parkour :D

    Your map has been rejected! Reasons for this include: You barely use any of the Minecraft Biomes in your map. Desert, Cave, Tundra, Mushroom and Plains. What about the various forests, the mountains, an ocean biome with some water parkour, ice spikes, Mesa, Village, etc. You do what most map...
  20. Billybo10000

    Rejected [Easy] Bounce by Exploded

    This map has been rejected! Reasons for this include: The theme of bouncing is heavily underplayed. You use slime blocks sparingly for the first half of the map, and it seems to switch themes from underwater temple to bounce far too abruptly. There is a shortcut here -...