Search results

  1. pupetesgamer


    Estoy de acuerdo con algunos puntos de tu respuesta pero hay otros con los que no. Voy a enumerar una lista cuyos números coinciden con los tuyos para evitar confusiones: Primero, no entiendo por qué no elimináis esos mapas que no se merecen su situación y los cambiáis por otros que os parezcan...
  2. pupetesgamer


    Me he visto obligado a escribir este mensaje para el Staff que me rechazó el mapa Forgotten porque he vuelto a corroborar la mala organización que tiene el Staff de este servidor. Para empezar, el Staff que me rechazó el mapa me dijo que la construcción carecía de un mínimo de complejidad que...
  3. pupetesgamer

    Accepted Polantras | Easy

    I didn't accuse you. I just said I don't like your map. What I meant with my large text is that Staff don't know how to do their job properly because I have been waiting at least two weeks (and I still waiting) to get my two maps double checked but you have submitted many maps and you had them...
  4. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Rainbow Treats / East

    I do not like it because it is so simple
  5. pupetesgamer

    Accepted LaprasPK

    I like it because it's different!
  6. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Pokeballs

    Pixel Art is not allowed
  7. pupetesgamer

    Accepted Polantras | Easy

    Odio cómo trabaja el Staff de este servidor. Lo único que hacen es priorizar mapas de gente conocida con el término Well-Known Member y aceptarlos sin criterio alguno mientras que la gente que construímos un mapa y tardamos varios días en hacerlo estamos hartos de que nuestros mapas sean...
  8. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Carrot Boy (by pupetes) (Hard) (New Version)

    I remember this map is a resubmission
  9. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Forgotten (Easy) (Created by pupetes)

    I have applied all you pieces of advice. Thank you!
  10. pupetesgamer

    Accepted Toucan | Easy

  11. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Forgotten (Easy) (Created by pupetes)

    It is an easy parkour with a few jumps and all jumps are simple but it's a reversed parkour. To do it you have to follow a color sequence and jump onto the barrier blocks placed below the coloured blocks. Amazing! Isn't it? When you start you can get a little bit lost but it becomes easy if you...
  12. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Carrot Boy (by pupetes) (Hard) (New Version)

    It is a hard parkour built on Map Maker World (/plot visit pupetes 1). It has 98 jumps and 4 checkpoints. I know this parkour was submitted but I changed the parkour and now it has different jumps that make it funnier. About the boy, I just have to say I don't want to do a real boy. I want a...
  13. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Carrot Boy (by pupetes) (Hard)

    Carrot Boy is a hard parkour built on Map Maker World (/plot visit pupetes 1). It has 91 jumps.
  14. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Chemistry (by pupetes) (Easy)

    Chemistry is an easy parkour built on Map Maker World (/plot home pupetes 1). It has 34 jumps.
  15. pupetesgamer

    Chemistry (by pupetes) (Easy)

    Sorry but I do not know how to do it. Can I cliclk «edit my submission» and then move it into «Map submissions» or I have to delete my message and then write another one in «Map submissions»
  16. pupetesgamer

    Chemistry (by pupetes) (Easy)

    What have I done wrong? Could you explain it to me?
  17. pupetesgamer

    Chemistry (by pupetes) (Easy)

    Chemistry is an easy parkour built on Map Maker World (/plot home pupetes 1). It has 34 jumps.
  18. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Jungle Maze (by pupetes)(Easy)

    It's an easy parkour but gets more complex because you have to remember the easy maze. The maze isn't difficult but when you are inside jumping it becomes more. I placed a checkpoint a the start of the maze and if you get lost (or trapped) you just have to return to the starting checkpoint and...
  19. pupetesgamer

    Rejected Iced Castle (by pupetes)

    This map was built on Map Maker World (/plot home pupetes 1) by pupetes . It is a medium/hard parkour with at least 67 jumps. And It has a secret room!!