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  1. Zero

    My introduction (Finally)

    I have never really done one of these introductions, even though I have had plenty of time to do so. So this is my first "real" introduction. So let's begin. - My real name is Mathias or as you might know me as, Zero. I'm 14 and I'm from Denmark. I love doing graphic design and play around...
  2. Zero

    Boost your party balance

    Hey, I’m Zero. I have been thinking of making this post for some time now. So here we go. As you probably already have read the title of this post, this post is going to be about how to get a higher party balance/party worth, but I will call it Pw for now. 1• Iron blocks Yes, iron blocks are...
  3. Zero

    Pegasus boots doesn't work?

    Hi, im Zero. I bought a pair of pegasus boots, and i found they don't work like they are supposed to. First off The springs doesn't work i only get speed 2 :/ Second, when i take them on while being near beacons i still get speed 2, it would be awesome to get maybe...
  4. Zero

    Manacube hoppers and filters

    Hi, I'm Zero. I have had some problems making a item filter here on the server :( The hoppers on here takes items out 4 at a time instead of 1 at a time. This makes so all the item filters, i have watched doesn't work :/ If anyone have any idea how to make a working filter on the server please...
  5. Zero

    /shop not working???

    The /shop doesn't work for me? I'm not sure if it's just me or others have the same problem as i do. The /buy window pops up instead of the normal /shop. Please tell me if you have the same problem. ~Zero~