map makers:

  1. _TechnoSupport_

    Rejected Map submition: _TechnoSupport_

    I would just like my map to be tested my name in game _TechnoSupport_ and feel free to add things that you might think it needs or looks better with Map name: The Lost Forest
  2. Microgear

    Rejected Statue of villagry-hard

    this map refers to the statue of liberty although it is based on a villager i personally think this is my best build yet !:D /plot v microgear 2 (its on the left) -hard -statue of villagry -59 jumps -3 checkpoints
  3. Microgear

    Rejected Stew-Expert (Mybestmap)

    Stew Expert 90-100 jumps idrk how many cp 4? /plot v microgear I spent so long creating this map i hope u like it Credits-pkfish,Tasses
  4. Microgear

    Rejected Water world second submission

    Hey I think I improved this map very well let’s see what u think now ? The jumps are very varied and I got a bit creative with some jumps Microgear 40 jumps /plot v microgear 2 Easy Ive got a screenshot 2 checkpoints I hope u like my map !
  5. Microgear

    Rejected WaterWorld Easy Map (MY BEST MAP YET)

    WATERWORLD EASY /plot h microgear 2 35 JUMPS 2 CHECKPOINTS i could only show one image as my screen shot is broken I hope u like my map credits to pkfish or whatever his/her name is for helping me with the world edits
  6. Microgear

    Rejected Luckyblock v2 :medium

    Hey I’m back my last map got regected sadly but this time im back and I’ve worked a lot harder on this map then my last map I chose my difficulty too be medium but I don’t really know my map is a remake of luckyblock the easy map but a bit harder I’ve added my own little bit too it tho like...
  7. Microgear

    Rejected My Parcour map Difficulty : expert

    The map is based on as u go on it gets harder so it starts of in green wool then goes on to orange then red then black and it gets really hard ive got 2 members of the chat too try it and they both said it was good which is why i am here microgear EASY-HARD THEME:RAINBOW /plot home microgear...
  8. H

    Rejected The Enderdragon (map by HChrocks)

    HChrocks The Enderdragon plot ID 55;69 Hard or expert 72 jumps with 3 checkpoints(sorry im standing in someone elses plot taking this.)(this is supposed to show that part is in the dark)
  9. Wil_spion

    Rejected "Inside a PC"-Hard

    Hello! I made this map with my friend! I hope it gets accepted, we put much time and effort into it! :D Username: Wil_spion Map name: "Inside a PC" (you can change it if you want, it was hard finding a good fitting name) Warp: /plot home Wil_spion 1 (NOT 2, that is an older version)...