Recent content by SaberCraft

  1. S

    Decor Heads

    is there a possibility to have Decor Heads at /shop. like 10,000.00 ea. (Mob Heads not included).
  2. S

    Post your last Ctrl + V

    IV of Spades - Hey Barbara!
  3. S

    Using A Mouse Should Be Bannable

    only mac users utilize trackpads tbh
  4. S

    Just Another Suggestion

    I love this suggestion but I'm very much concerned about the prices of crops in /shop. AutoReplant is a game changer, it can affect the skyblock economically. Overall, I voted yes for this.
  5. S


    Weird suggestion/s I guess. NEW: I'm suggesting to have a prison-like mine to be opened/reset every envoy starts and possibly the envoy chests will be randomly spawn within the mine. Also, place weird rare blocks with a certain rate. Probably add /fly at manashop. Add wither skeleton spawners...
  6. S

    Finished Build Competition

  7. S

    Update /gradehelp.

    Thanks man, much appreciated :)
  8. S

    Update /gradehelp.

    Atleast replace the current description at /gradehelp.
  9. S

    Update /gradehelp.

    Plus all mods have different point of view about your plot. How can someone tell its a C plot or D lmao.
  10. S

    Update /gradehelp.

    So I just joined recently on this server, I love it so far. But the /gradehelp seems inaccurate smh. To be C it says "Understand depths and concepts" so I thought that they will just look how you detail and add depths to your build. I did it, I know it lacks but I'm sure its enough for C. So...