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  • I have sent you my parkour course, did you received my message, if not how else can I send it to you? Cheers
    Uhh, Dacon, please help. This was my first time receiving a coupon from voting, and I was unaware that I received the code in the hub mail. I deleted my hub mail :(. Can you do anything to get my code back? Thanx u!

    My IGN:Matt6208
    I can't seem to add peopl to my plot. I am a V.I.P Donor and I have more than 350$. Please help me. I really want to add my friends on my plot.
    Hey Dacon! Merry Christmas! I have just bought Legend from the store! Horray! But on Parkourse, it does not say [Legend] next to my name. I also can not find out how to use the potion kits, I am unable to use the "Donator" courses, can not use any trails
    any trails (except the "Loot" trail, but I had already bought that), I can't do "/nick", I can't use "/color" and I am unable to find out how to get to the Swaggy Lounge
    (Even though I don't really care about this complaint). However, I have received the new helmet and 750 gems. So if you could tell me if there is a mistake here, please tell me and fix them. Thanx u! Again, Merry Christmas!

    If you are really busy with factions y not just make a map judge application form so they can judge and you can do what you do and plus can I be a map judge please?
    Hey Dacon! There is a problem with factions :( our faction (Bompton) seems to have been cut off by the world boarder so we cannot go to our f home or any homes we set there. If we walk there we can break blocks but it doesn't drop anything. I will DM you my cords if you need them. Thanks!
    Hey, so, um, I'm guessing you're not going to include "/gift" on Creative? If you were planning to, nows the time. 12 days of Christmas just started. So, um, yeah. Careening out


    ALSOOOOOO my birfday is Dec. 20. idk why I said this, but whatevs.
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