A Parkour Guide for everything


Forum Master
Oct 3, 2016
326 10
Heyho Parkour / Manacube-Community. In the following of this thread, there will be a “parkour guide”. I will basically answer you the most common questions on parkour and I got asked of doing one for these, plus no one wanted to put so much effort in helping other people on parkour so far.
This thread will be separated in 4 parts: 1. Sidenotes and explanations, 2. How to earn gems and score efficiently, 3. Dropper Maps and the easiest one to grind, 4. Tips and tricks for submitting courses

· Sidenote:Before I start putting courses and tactics etc. in the following, this guide is based on my own opinions. People could think different about it and I try to keep it general and not personal.

· Explanation of the difference between Gems and Score:Getting gems is way easier, because there are several ways of earning them: Voting, watching ad’s, doing dropper maps, winning chat reactions (Scrambler) or just simply finishing courses. Compared to earning gems, there is only way of earning score: finishing courses. You will get 15 score for an easy course, 30 for medium ones, 60 for hard, 100 for expert and 200 for insane. You will also get the same amount of gems for finishing a course, except you are MVP-Rank. You will get 150% of the gems for finishing a course. A simple calculation:
Easy course: 15 (100%) + 7 (50%), Medium course: 30 (100%) + 15 (50%), Hard course: 60 (100%) + 30 (50%), Expert course: 100 (100%) + 50 (50%), Insane course: 200 (100%) + 100 (50%)..
So in the end, only the score shows you, how many gems you earned just from parkouring.

· More calculations: If you start as a [Noob] and you try to get to the highest rank (Champion), you need to farm 81.100 gems. You also need to get 20.000 Score from Insane to Champion (The two highest ranks at the moment). The score just prevents people getting paid from [Noob] to [Champion] instantly.

· How to make gems/score efficiently: If you are tired of begging for gems or only get them with voting, you should read the following part, because I will explain now, how to get gems fast and efficient.

The best way of earning gems of course is farming the same course over and over again.
I will try to list at least 3 courses for every difficulty and tell my opinions about them and why they are good (Or only good with speed).

List of Courses

Easy: In my opinion farming easy courses is not really worth it in general and most of them are pretty easy, but I will list the easiest ones.

1. The “Cake” course. It is the first course on the right side of easy and easier, than most easy courses for the reason of repetitive, simple jumps and not too many.

2. The “Creeper” course. It is the 4th course on the left side. The reason for it being that easy is the same than the first one. Repetitive, simple jumps and not too many.

3. The “Bookshelf” course. It is one course behind the 3rd section on the right side. The reason for it being easy is, there are less jumps than in nearly any other course, they are easy and even if you fail, you won’t be set too far back with the checkpoints.

4. The “Carrot” course. It is the 3rd one on the right side at the 5th section. The reason is the same, like the first two.

Medium: There are some medium courses, which are pretty decent to farm, if you are not able to put effort in Hard+ courses for training them. Having /speed for most of these medium courses is not necessarily needed, but a great addition and help for 4 blocker etc.

1. The first course on the left side in medium is the easiest one to grind with speed, but also decent without speed. Many Checkpoints, just normal 3 and 4-Blocker, no ladder and fence jumps.

2. The “Mushroom” course is the second one on the left side and a great course for beginner. When I started farming on parkour, I started with this course, because it is pretty easy to learn and only 3 4-Blocker, which is even more easy with speed.

3. The third course I would suggest is a “Lava/Nethertemple” course. It is the first course on the right side at the 3rd section. This course has a very small amount of jumps and they are not too hard, even easier with speed, because there is no fence and ladder jump. In my opinion the best medium course to farm.

4. The last course for medium, which I think is a good farm course is a “rainbow” course. It’s the second course on the right at the 3rd section. It is easy, because of a very little amount of jumps plus very basic ladder and 3-4 blocker jumps.

Hard: The hard courses, I gonna list are the more worth medium courses. They are barely harder and barely longer, but they still need practice.

1. The “Cloud” course is the 2nd one on the right side. It is the easiest hard course, but longer than many. It is still decent for grinding, because of the simple jumps. With speed the course is just a runthrough.

2. The “UnderwaterTemple” course in section 3 on the right side is a really decent course. Most likely headhitter jumps, which are runnable with speed, but also not too hard without speed. The course is also pretty short for hard courses.

3. The “Lava Cavern” course is the 2nd course on the left side at section 3. It was my favorite course for a long time. The good thing about that course is, even if you fail, you don’t need to go back to the CP at many points, the jumps are not too easy, but once you learned a neo etc. it is the best course to farm on hard, because of the very low amount of jumps.

4. The 4th course I can recommend is the “MineVast” course. You can find it at section 9. It is the 2nd course on the right side. It is pretty short and the jumps are not too hard as well. Also pretty well to grind.

5. The “Pepe” course is the second last course on the left side of the hard section. The jumps are pretty simple and there are enough checkpoints. I also like the design of it.

Expert: Expert courses in general are not too worth it farming. There are just 3, which are worth it, if you are fast enough running them, because they got a lot of simple jumps.

1. The “Random Blocks” course is the 3rd one on the left side. The courses got many basic 4 blocker and no real struggle jumps and only 3 neos. With a bit of speed, this course is very easy to practice and farm

2. The “MagmaCube” course is at the 3rd section of expert courses and it is the same pattern, as Random Blocks.

3. "Shattered World" is, even though it got nerfed to Expert, one of the easier expert maps. There are not too many difficult jumps and you can just run through it with speed.

Donator Experts:

1. The “Airplane” course is also a course, which does not have too difficult jump, is not too long and pretty decent to run through. It is the first course on the right side in the DonatorInsane section.

2. The second farming course there is the “Sword” course. It is a pretty long course and not too repetitive, but the jumps are very simple and easy to make. It also got enough checkpoints, if you fail.

Insane: Insane courses are the best to grind, if you master them of course, but mastering them takes a lot of time. Of course there are easier and more difficult courses. Since a few insane courses got nerfed, there is no real easy insane course anymore and they are all balanced

1. The only course in my opinion, which is not too hard, is the "Red Tower", the first one on the right side. It got a few very difficult jumps, but the rest is not too hard

2. The second course (Which I farmed for a while) is "Castle". Most people think it is one o f the hardest, but after practicing, it is way easier, than a lot of other insane (don't forget, that's all my opinion).

Key:The key to parkouring is patience and ambitiousness. Raging and reading chat, will only distract you from tryharding.

Dropper Maps

If you are tired of parkouring? No problem you can still do dropper maps. Doing every map once before grinding them is the best, because you can get a lot of gems out of it. Just remember you cannot get score on dropper maps, only gems.

There is only 1 good dropper map to farm, if you know how it works. Go for the “Descrecendo” Dropper for grinding the same one over and over again, because you get way more gems, than on others.

Parkour Submissions

You want to create your own Parkour map, but you don’t know how? Okay before doing one, you need to get a plot on Creative with /p auto. Then think about a clear theme (For example Star Wars Battleships). Before starting it, check if there is any course with this theme already, because there won’t be accepted two of the exact same theme. The next thing you should do is, reading the Parkour Submission guide by Dakota to get an orientation of how many gems per difficulty etc.

If you finished that, you should start building your them. Please don’t build PixelArt. Simple Pixelart will be rejected instantly, because they are way too simple and there are already too many of them. They are also not really fun to play normally. After building the theme and the parkour, think about places for Checkpoints. Place a sign and write “CP” in the first row, so it is easier for Parkour staff to sort the signs out, when reviewing. If you finished everything, do a thread in the parkour submission thread and follow the correct formular. If you finished that as well, it is time to wait for Map Judges reviewing it. Then you will see, if it got accepted or rejected.

Good Luck with all of these tips and hints. If you still have questions after reading that, you can message me on the forums or discord.

I wish everyone, who read to this point a happy new year and good luck in general. Cheers!
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Dedicated Member
Aug 24, 2016
147 2
Thanks for taking the time to help us noob parkour players! We'll really need it lol! I know what courses to farm now :3 <3


Dedicated Member
Jun 12, 2016
142 3

Well, I'm hopeless then. I'll just stick to my really quick courses which get boring very fast :D

Tyler <3

Dedicated Member
Sep 13, 2016
29 1
Great thread, Shron! :D
However, might I add...
Another easy Insane that many higher ranked players grind is Hotel, or (Red Tower.)
(First Insane to the right) meaning it's very easy to locate as well, and speed makes it just a runthrough.


Forum Master
Jan 11, 2016
598 14
Great thread!
This is very helpful for someone who need help on parkour.
Thanks so much for making this.
It is very clear and informative.
I would add the "Snowy Mountain" since it is very easy and it was my first hard parkour I could do.
The jumps are easy and the 70% is to climb the mountain which is not hard.
{ I suck at Insane and Expert }


Forum Master
Oct 3, 2016
326 10
Thanks for the great support! I will add them, when I am at home and also edit the one mistake! Additions of people are always welcome, but I only add them, when I agree, which I do with these 2! <3


Active Member
Jan 4, 2017
This helped a lot. I've gotten to the point where I need to farm to level up, so this helped.


Jan 8, 2017
An amazing beginners guide! I needed this when I was noob xD Do you mind if I do a parkour tip guide? I won't include all the same stuff/layout.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2016
43 1
bit of a dead thread but farming steampunk (Insane sctn 2 opposote luigi, big wooden castle thing) is pretty easy once you get the jumps memorised, you can't farm shattered any more because it was nerfed to expert thankfully (great job Shron!).


Dedicated Member
Dec 31, 2016
199 11
Thankyou for your help with this, This is quite helpful. Thanks Shron!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
66 5
I'd smash this tutorial of how to parkour, as I am in need of this.
Jan 29, 2017
Wow! Awesome guide there, @Shron this is going to be wonderful for newbies, and other people who just want to get a better understanding of what parkour on ManaCube is like. I love how there is a course description of courses that are "famous?" and how you explain the cosmetics of the parkour. Very good guide, and I suggest, that you should make other guides on the other gamemodes on Manacube. :p