

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2014
48 2
Alright, I'm gonna make this clear from the start. When I was banned, I never wanted to be unbanned. I made that thread as a way of telling you guys I was banned, not a way to get unbanned. I feel really bad doing this after Dacon unbanned me for being a loyal player. But theres a lot of guilt that follows me, including my subconscious annoying the hell out of me whenever I play on the server. I would like to stay committed to the thread and work on getting some extra money. Most likely I will never be on this server again until I'm out of college (I'm not in college, just saying that's how long it'll be 'til I'm back) by then who knows what could've happened to MineVast. I would like to get the debts payed and get over this, but it's hard when I'm playing on the server.

I will still be playing MineCraft, and this guilt may follow me to every server I go to. I would like to ask that even though I am quitting, please don't ban me. I would like to apply for staff for other servers and with that ban record theres no way I can do that. If you guys see me on other servers, don't expect me to say hi when you join but you may say it to me, and me and you may get in contact again. The reason I won't say hi is because I would like to put all the players behind me, pretend I never had anything to pay MineVast.

Anyways, this is the last paragraph, and will be much longer then the other oens. Simply because I would like to give suggestions to MineVast, and wishes to all my friends. Here we go.

Suggestions to MineVast

More minigames eventually, if the servers still up when I get out of college, I'd like to see many minigames :)
Never give up. You guys have tried some things, but have failed. But you never gave up! You made it happen! I'd like to see that continue.

That's about all for suggestions, this servers just so *poof* amazing.

Now, wishes to all my friends:

Mariomash1VG -
You may be young, but you have made me laugh, and helped me in many situations. May I wish that you never stop doing that, find many others and do the same thing :)

Jns20 - You are amazing. Once I got banned you told me another way to pay the debt, through voting. May I wish that you never stop doing what you do best, making people happy, giving them confidence, and just being awesome.

[Before I continue, note that I will not do all my friends, so sorry if I didn't add your name]

Dacon - You are god. You make me laugh at the worst moments in my life, you made my first staff experience possible, I owe everything in my life to you. You are the best person in my life. May I wish that you never stop running this server. I see future in it, if anything goes wrong, make it right. You have to abilities to do so.

Arckrai - Thank you for all the confidence you've given me, all the things you told me, all the questions you answered, all the times you've helped me. May I wish that if anything ever happens to MineVast, you'll be the one to tell me. :)

Creepyman456 - How could I forget you? You and me had a connection through the forums before we even met in game! Believe it or not, you're the reason I stayed on MineVast a bit longer. May I wish that you never stop doing that. You are very convincing, my friend. :)

Blazingsea - Forgetting all those times you've called me names, remember back when we did graphics? That was fun, I will be keeping you on Skype, you're still a big part in my life. May I ask that you get back into graphics, you were really good, and although I don't want to admit it, you were better then me.

Purple4me - I think it was you, back when I was mod on Skyblock, me and you talked, if you can remember 'Keenibot', I think you'll remember that we had a bad connection back then.. But that grew as I started to become friends with you. You made me enjoy Skyblock, and I can't be anymore proud of you for that. May I wish you keep doing that, socializing with random people, and getting them to be friends.

_Synnc_ - Although since you quit, you probably won't see this, but here it goes. Remember back when you invited me to your server? We had the best time setting that up, and the night when I was a douche and ignored you for no reason, then sent you a screenshot and you blocked me. I cried for a bit, then I started talking to you about some problems, and you made it all better. May I wish that you keep being an amazing friend to everyone.

I know theres many people that I forgot, but this thread took me two hours to make. Anyway, I will miss you all. Love you, -Nick.



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2014
31 1
I haven't really gotten to know you on the server, and i kind of regret it actually! But its sad to see even anyone leave MineVast, because the dedicated ones and the staff somehow make a large family :D. I urge you to come back soon!



Admin | Staff Manager
Jul 14, 2014
1,310 41
It seems like people are trying to let you know that you are more important to them than this one mistake. I hope you are hearing that and believe it. I think that you are being harder on yourself than you would anyone else. I wish you would reconsider and treat yourself as well as you do everyone else. It seems like I barely got to know you! I really wanted to see what you would do in the new Skyblock. Don't go!!!


Forum Expert
Jul 15, 2014
47 11
Well, It's the right thing to do, and I hope you do well in your studies leading up to College, and I hope that I can maybe sometime meet you in a hunger games or something like that.
But, are you gonna drop party any of your factions or kitpvp or prison, etc. Items?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2014
48 2
Side note: I will not be doing any drop party, and Dacon please don't ban me, as I said on the thread. =P

Alright, let's make this clear. I have no money. Without the debts payed I'm just an exception. I don't want to be an exception, I want to be like everyone else. If a friend donated for me and charged-back, my mistake, I'm gone. As I said in the beginning of the thread, I never wanted to be unbanned until I payed the debts. That thread was a thread telling you I was banned, not a fucking ban appeal. =P Anyway, I want to explore, possibly create my own server. Please stay in contact:
skype: N31291 (I think)
And, once 1.8 comes out, I will be changing my ign to Keenix.

Love you all, -Nick


Forum Master
Feb 23, 2019
467 119
Goodbye, man. Hope all goes well! :)