New Trends


Dedicated Member
Jul 22, 2015
Ive noticed new trends on these forums, and I just want to dicuss them thoroughly and at least try to be thoughtful.

One of these trends is posting a thread and saying you're leaving Mine Vast for one reason or another. It's incredibly sad to see friends who have helped me grow up over these past couple months into a new player, and seeing some of them go, just isn't my cup of tea. I mean, sure, it's really awesome that you guys are willing to let us have some insight into you're leaving, but God dang it it's too sad.

The second one is threads are threads about sexuality. Now, to be frank, I don't care about a persons sexuality, just so long as they are the great people they are, they can be whatever sexuality they want. I'm cool with it. I just don't see any reason for this, unless there is some bullying or something going on in your life that you need to get off your chest, then I completely understand it. I feel different sexualities should just be accepted, and it's sad that they aren't.

The third one is necro threads, or pointless threads that are dumb and completely useless. Now, mods have been cracking down on this one hard, so I don't see it increasing any more. Good on you guys!

The fourth and final one has to do with map submissions. There are quite a few artists that no longer put any effort into the map making process, and unfortunately, even I found myself going this path. But I've tried to stop myself, and I'm currently taking a large break from map making, and I feel some of these others should take the time to do this too. Just so long as pointless and un though out maps stop.

Finally, if you've taken the time to read this, I hope you understand that misuse those last two, this isn't me bashing any of these types of threads, I just feel mine vast as a whole, should live a creative and fun life, and trends like this aren't helping. Thanks for reading!