Why I am leaving MineVast

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Oct 12, 2016
1 17
Why I am leaving MineVast


Seems all this server learned from the EULA crackdown is how to avoid it, but it’s only a matter of time until this server is blacklisted again. I give 1-2 months. I am not reporting but either Mojang will learn through their own audits or some else is going to get as frustrated as me and report. I’m all for supporting servers through donations, but this is not donations. This is as Pay2Win as you can get. So those who are unable to pay any amount are just simply screwed over.

- /fly should be available to everyone or to no one (except mods for investigative purposes). Personally I prefer the latter because it really does ruin the game by making it too easy.

- Water immunity on Islands should be removed excepting water breathing potions.

- Legacy ranks should have been completely removed because it was in violation of the EULA, so the perks had been obtained fraudulently. Sorry for those who paid but you should have known these were technically not allowed. Sure maybe a partial refund would be in order, but I just don’t see that happening.

- Treasure Keys that give cash/spawner rewards, there is no way that you can claim this is a donation. This is a purchase.

- Donator Islands, self-explanatory.


- So often I simply cannot play because of the lag. And no it is not my connection as I have as about high speed connection as you can get and this is the ONLY server that gives me issues. Not to mention many people always complaining about it.


Yes, this is an issue with most servers but this one is definitely the most prolific I’ve seen.


There are some really good ones, but there are a few who definitely should not be mods. For instance, with the Jackpot on Islands, people were sniping the low jackpots and the mods were sitting around letting it happen. So rich players getting richer by ripping off the lower betters, this to me is unacceptable. And when I called someone out on it, *I* got the warning. WTF?

Also being completely ignored with a very legitimate question on the forums doesn’t help (August Vote Rewards).

I am resetting my Skyblock and Island, so sorry to all who enjoyed my grinders, but they are gone and spawners destroyed.

So farewell to the good people I’ve played with, and to the jerks who wrecked my Survival plot, FU. And I wasn’t lying when I said I have screenshots of a certain turd “accidently” killing my horses in my closed off barn in Survival, which may or not be submitted to mods. Just haven’t decided if I care that much.


Forum Legend
Jan 29, 2016
862 74
Hey there,

Firstly I would like to explain to you how this server is not Pay2Win

We have complied to the EULA rules, everything we have in our shop complies with it. In case you don't fully understand the concept of pay to win, it is where you pay "X" amount of money and you are given a godly kit on KitPvP or an IG grinder on skyblock.

For the points you came up with, those are not pay to win. Obviously if you donate to the server there are going to be some perks you get, that give you an advantage, that's why people donate. Like you said, you can make a water breathing potion, it's not that difficult, it's not like anyone else doesn't have access to being safe from water. Its just for you guys that it takes a whole few extra minutes to get it done.

For the Legacy ranks those are in no way against EULA. Dakota has already taken away\\ half the perks that gave a "somewhat" advantage and has modified the ranks to make it easier for non donors. Nothing that the legacy ranks currently give now is against the EULA when everything that can be bought from those are available in the current ones other than having it globally rather than paying for each server. The reason it was made global is becaue before the ranks used to cost a whole lot more so Dakota found a way to make it fair for everyone with the EULA rules, even the past donors.

For the parts about the monthly treasure keys those are just another way for donors to actually get something a bit exciting for the money they have used to donate. They in no way give any advantage especially since they only work for certain servers and anyone can get a loot chest from voting.

For your issue on lag, it may just be fps lag, depending on how well your computer runs or it may just be ping lag. This server is hosted in Canada so if you live on the opposite side of the world that may influence your lag a bit.

For your point about mods ripping people off and getting richer with the low jackpot, there is nothing wrong with that. It is nowhere in the rules and the jackpot is a jackpot for a reason. The more money you put in the higher chance you get of winning. And please remember that you can only put so much in the low jackpot so even if you are starting up and they somehow win you will barely lose any money nor will they gain any.

As for the greifers we try our best to take care of them. If you ever find a greifer please use ./report or ./helpop with their IGN so they can be taken care of immediately. If no staff is online please be sure you gather evidence or just make a player report here on the forums.

Sorry for coming off a bit harsh by the way,
Oct 12, 2016
1 17
Hey Texans, thanks for the reply.

But if you read the EULA it states precisely that that rewards must be COMSETIC only. Flyin and other perks that other players must put in time and resources are not cosmetic. Getting something tangible like cash/spawer is a purchase pure and simple.

I also live in Canada and I am an IT administrator so I know how lag/ping works.

We'll probably never agree, but oh well.

Enjoy the game.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2015
74 5
Sad to see you go, especially because of the EULA.
MineVast was forced to change their ranks, and perms because of the EULA. They had almost no freedom of choice in this, so I think you cannot blame them for changing the ranks/perks. It's definitely a downgrade to what it used to be before, but that's what Mojang wants, after all.
The griefing - I don't know on what server you mean. If that's on Creative, it's your own fault as you've added a player to your plot and basically gave them the freedom to do whatever they want. Don't trust players you don't know or don't trust on your plot, it's that simple. The same goes for Survival and Skyblock. Staff is simply there to fix the grief if possible, and punish the accused player. Not to prevent you from adding people to your plot that can grief it, that's your own responsibility.
I think most servers have some lag, to do with the place they run it from, and the connection between that place and you. Don't think that can be solved easily, it's the internet after all.
The mods - what can I say. If you don't like the mods, don't use them. I dislike the gambling on Islands for the same reason as you, hence why I don't gamble.

However, it's your choice where you want to play, and if that's not this server, then so be it. I wish you good luck finding a server that does fulfill all your wishes, and I hope you have a lot of fun playing on there.
Cya! :)


Dedicated Member
Nov 15, 2015
75 3
I just find this a little selfish, you are accusing a brilliant server of not complying the to the rules when they really are. you are also saying that donators should have no perks, since /fly is just about all we got left. I have paid money to help this server out and that is because i really like it. I do not see you donating anything to help the server. This post is about 98% jealously, and the rest is Trash

About the griefing - if you had even bothered to read the rules, it clear states that it is a bannable offence, so i have no clue what you are rambling on about.

gambling- completely agree with Yuko, its your choice to gamble.

Islands- Us donators get the same things in the starter chest, so please dont get jealous that we have a slightly larger are to start building.

/Fly - we only get it within aliied areas or areas that we own.

Next time you start to have a rant, please take the time to fully read the rules or even look at them.


Forum Expert
Feb 13, 2016
159 26
Damn third time in the past two months to see someone go batshit about EULA. The people who paid for ranks (I had a sponsor) were royally screwed over because of EULA. I don't know why people say the ranks we continue to have (few) are overpowering. I'd like to see you pay $80 dollars to Minevast and then complain about too many ranks.
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