Recent content by _Tylr_

  1. _Tylr_

    Is there Anyone willing to build a big cactus farm for 5 Million?

    I provide resources.
  2. _Tylr_

    What should i build next?

    I already have a melon farm, cacti farm, grinders, and many other stuff. Any suggestions or cool idea i will try?
  3. _Tylr_

    Melons or catci , which is more profitable?

    I would say cacti because it sells for more and also to me it seems to grow faster. Just my opinion its up to you to decide to either melons or cacti. :D
  4. _Tylr_

    What was everyone's favorite game to play growing up (excluding Minecraft)?

    I definitely agree with all those games but I would add roblox
  5. _Tylr_

    What was everyone's favorite game to play growing up (excluding Minecraft)?

    I would definitely say Roblox, Poptropica, Mario Kart, WII Sports, Xbox
  6. _Tylr_

    What would you rather have? And Why?

    1. Have 1 million Mana 2. 1 Billion dollars 3. 5 dubs of Magma 4. Be able to have a Magma farm in your plot. 5. Be able to choose 10 really good enchantments for Armour Tools etc.