Recent content by Boob_McGee

  1. Boob_McGee

    Tell me if you think this skin is inappropriate or not.

    There is a Boob_McGee and a Boob_McGee_2. We are different people but with the same skin. We both changed it and it is appropriate now.
  2. Boob_McGee

    Tell me if you think this skin is inappropriate or not.

    I appealed and changed the skin, why am i still banned?
  3. Boob_McGee

    Tell me if you think this skin is inappropriate or not.

    Hey gamers, I just got permabanned for having this skin. Do you think its inappropriate enough to get permanently banned or does the moderator of this server who banned me have a massive stick up their ass?
  4. Boob_McGee

    Thanks LiLKayla for the ban! I really appreciate it.

    Thanks LiLKayla for the ban! I really appreciate it.