Recent content by Illicit

  1. Illicit

    Ancient/Legendary crates really need to be reworked.

    I agree to an extent. On one hand I think legendary crates should get some better items, but on the other hand, you have things like Bold nickname privileges. While yeah, a bold nickname isnt very useful, it is something that a lot of people really want. Also, if legendary crates are changed...
  2. Illicit

    Boss battles

    Yeah boss fights would be fun. The only thing I hope that they would do if they decided to add them would be to add a /warp boss. Warp boss should be an area like warzone has, but pvp is disabled. I've played long term on a couple of servers, one had bosses spawn in warzone and another had them...
  3. Illicit

    I Propose /SOul Pay should be a thing

    I think this would be cool, but I think it would also be kinda overpowered. If someone is saving their souls to get a kiltons set, for example, and they get 7/10k souls needed and a very high price was offered, then the players with a lot of money would get any and all great things out of...
  4. Illicit

    /kit master

    Yeah, I agree with the entire post. I got kit master out of the perk chest and I assumed that it would be pretty decent, (I didn't look at anything in the chest before opening the crate with the perk key) just like OP said, a perk key is $12. I personally think that it should be buffed. I like...