Recent content by JohnnyRocket88

  1. JohnnyRocket88


    Another reason of why chest shops should be added lol:
  2. JohnnyRocket88


    I completely agree with the idea of bringing them back if possible. Currently, one of the only ways players are able to sell and buy items from other players would be through the auction house (/ah) which is extremely limited since most new players wouldn't even know to look at other pages...
  3. JohnnyRocket88

    More and bigger mines.

    +1 Just starting using trench yesterday, I can mine 75% of the mine by myself before the mine resets. I can't even imagine what mines will be like when most people start to use trench without bigger and/or more mines.
  4. JohnnyRocket88

    SVA For Special Flowers on Aether? :DD

    Even though this is an odd request, I definitely agree with it. :)
  5. JohnnyRocket88

    Olympus Suggestions

    I completely agree! First, I feel like the PVP on Olympus is lacking and, if it were to improve, more players would be playing Olympus. In addition, many more people would be buying more seasonal keys just for weapons and armor. But, at the moment, close to none of the big players are interested...