Recent content by LillianFTP

  1. LillianFTP

    How I Terraform with Worldedit Only

    This is really nice! Thanks for the tips, Hammer. I used your painting tip and might I say that I prefer this than doing EVERYTHING by hand! Really saved me my sanity and time. Keep up with the good work my guy!
  2. LillianFTP

    Escape the room!

    This sounds fun! Shame I missed it, sorry! :(
  3. LillianFTP

    Your opinion

    I dont really think its a great idea considering the fact you can easily use that 20 for something else of more value. Its your money though, hope you make good out of it!
  4. LillianFTP

    Would appreciate if people were to look at my application for staff and rate it! Thanks :)

    Would appreciate if people were to look at my application for staff and rate it! Thanks :)