Recent content by We11_P1ayed

  1. We11_P1ayed

    Finished Join The Party! Skyblock Drop Party

    EVERYTHING xD a real notch head would be nice LOL! I know you aren't gonna do that, but it would be cool.
  2. We11_P1ayed

    Forum Game: Rename The Player Above You

    Red Head Connan XD that was the first thing that came to mind :p
  3. We11_P1ayed

    MineVast is getting a new logo!

    xD thanks
  4. We11_P1ayed

    MineVast is getting a new logo!

    Yeah, I would also like to know, or are you doing it by hand??? Either way it looks good, LOVE THE FINAL. ^-^
  5. We11_P1ayed

    My B Plot ^-^

    That looks amazing xYuko, I'm better at making profile pics and stuff then building :(I wish I could build that well. Anyways good job on B!
  6. We11_P1ayed

    Forum Game [Count to 50 before a Staff Posts]

    Oh, LOL! I can't count
  7. We11_P1ayed

    Forum Game [Count to 50 before a Staff Posts]

    1,2,3,4,5,6 ,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50! I WIN TOO!
  8. We11_P1ayed

    /back not working

    I found that out when I first got my rank, but I didn't really think anything of it. I hope they do get this fixed though, but it is possible it has to do with people doing /back to pvp.
  9. We11_P1ayed

    Can't connect.

    Yup I just checked thank you xWaffleWizard for telling us!
  10. We11_P1ayed

    Can't connect.

    I have been having the same problem I'm about to try to log in again. Yeah, still getting that message.
  11. We11_P1ayed


    I say yes that would be amazing, they could even add a Halloween parkour and when you beat it you get a jack-o-lantern hat or something.
  12. We11_P1ayed

    Forum Donator Rank

    I am VIP and I don't have the donator rank on forums Thanks for looking at this P.S. my ign is We11_P1ayed
  13. We11_P1ayed

    Um.. hi xD

    xD I'm not a sophomore yet, but I <3 SAO too
  14. We11_P1ayed

    Adding a pvp arena without falling in the void

    I think if they added a new pvp then it wouldn't feel the same. If they added a new pvp arena though it should be a huge roman coliseum type build; it would be nice looking and maybe used more for people who want close combat pvp.