Recent content by Xx_luvaatje

  1. Xx_luvaatje

    Accepted Freezeria - Expert

    Hi fribe, ive tested your map a little bit and i gotta say i like it! its definetely on the harder end of experts but id say thats fine, i hope the map judges will find the build original enough because there are a few city maps already. also i found a way to skip practically the entire map in...
  2. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected Sakura Temple Run

    So after playtesting your map (because it looked good on first sight), i have come to the conclusion that if i was a map judge id accept it as a medium map. This is because it fits medium length and is also a hard for an easy, but fine for a medium. The build is good and kind of original (there...
  3. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected Ducky Pool - Easy

    I'll check them in the real game later today so i can see it even better:)
  4. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected Skyles - medium

    Again this wont get accepted, kinda for the same reason as ducky pool :(((
  5. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected Ducky Pool - Easy

    Well i havent looked it up, but from guessing id say theres already a million pool maps, then theres also the fact the build is very small, and the parkour looks repetitive and unoriginal. Im sorry to be so negative but i hope my critisism can help ypu create better maps in the future :)
  6. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected Ducky Pool - Easy

    i kinda like it tbh but i dont think its gonna get accepted...
  7. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected TripleNeo - Easy

    IMPORTANT! i changed my ign so its /plot v chimeragupta 2 now
  8. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected TripleNeo - Easy

    Thanks for the support!
  9. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected TripleNeo - Easy

    Map made by ChitChatChime, Hallowers and Blurpyfied, plot: /plot v chitchatchime 2 Difficulty: easy 27 jumps, 2 checkpoints
  10. Xx_luvaatje

    70k Mana Giveaway!

    username LuvaWasFound
  11. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected OreTemple- insane

    /plot v luvawasfound 2 to see it btw
  12. Xx_luvaatje

    Rejected OreTemple- insane

    see title