Search results

  1. Rektiy

    Drop heads.

    Sorry again and again, i wont do it more.
  2. Rektiy

    Win 1k mana

    Sorry again haha
  3. Rektiy

    Jobs shops.

    Okey, im sorry, i will do it next time.
  4. Rektiy

    One Word Story

  5. Rektiy

    Small visual bug

  6. Rektiy

    Melons or catci , which is more profitable?

    Cactus give you more money then melons.
  7. Rektiy

    Sheep Head?

    You can eat sheep heads in sweden. Idk why i typed that. hahaha
  8. Rektiy


    I potato me now want i go hello! i mean bye.
  9. Rektiy

    Vote link #5?

    Its broken for me to.
  10. Rektiy

    Looking for a Sell Wand

  11. Rektiy

    Lets sing a song

  12. Rektiy

    Drop heads.

    I want to get heads when i kill every kind of animal. killing chickens and zombies is boring hahaha. Thanks
  13. Rektiy

    Vote link #5

  14. Rektiy

    Win 1k mana

    I think there should be like: The first one to type: floccinaucinihilipilification win 1000 mana. Thanks
  15. Rektiy

    Change color on nickname.

    I was thinking about if you could buy color change to nickname. Example: 100 souls per letter. Or anything like that. Thanks
  16. Rektiy

    Vote link #5

    For me and maybe alot of other players have the problem with vote link #5, when i vote i wont get my reward. thanks!
  17. Rektiy

    Inf. Chest

    I just bought infinite chest, i would not want the lose my infinite chest ive saved for. Thanks
  18. Rektiy

    Staff Application Guide!

    Thanks MCBYT.
  19. Rektiy

    Jobs shops.

    I think you should bring back the job shop.