Search results

  1. cl0q

    Rejected Hole Punched (Easy)

    -- THIS MAP IS A COLLAB WITH cl0q, FLNexe, and lectisternium -- This easy map better be original - it consists of (at the top) a piece of paper , with holes being made in it with a hole puncher. The parkour is the player jumping up the waste circles of paper that are falling down from the top...
  2. cl0q

    Rejected The Abandoned Theme Park

    The theme is not castle and medeival - it is an abandoned theme park
  3. cl0q

    Rejected Zendikar - Easy Map by cl0q

    This EASY map, with 23 JUMPS and 3 CHECKPOINTS, is themed around Zendikar - a world from the popular card game Magic the Gathering. (To read more about the real plane of Zendikar visit this page: ) It consists of 5 magical pylons, one for each color of...
  4. cl0q

    Rejected Mariposa - Map Submission by cl0q

    Here is my map concept, Mariposa! This bright flower and butterfly themed map is medium difficulty, involves some hard jumps but should be able to be completed by most players above easy level. The map has 47 jumps, involving regular, ladder and ones partially blocked by fences. I have completed...