
  1. ComradeOlaf

    Accepted ShyGuy - Hard

    Built by: ComradeOlaf (Parkour) 5p1eef (Build) TimeLUVSPigical (Build Helper) ------ Map name: ShyGuy ---- Plot number 7 of ComradeOlaf ---- Difficulty: Hard ---- Number of jumps: 62 with 6 Checkpoints ---- This is the world famous and beloved character ShyGuy. Hope you enjoy! :)...
  2. Scheggiah

    Igs Farms! (still under construction)

  3. LennyTheSniper

    Rejected I know It already has been done before, but I just want a mod to take a look.

    3D Pixel Mario /plot v LennyTheSniper 2 There is 2 main flaws with this Map That I struggle a lot to sort out : - The map is W A Y too big. (You can't even see the whole thing at once !) - Some of the jumps are 1.9+ only, making it impossible in 1.8.9.