nice dude

  1. Jelly

    [GUIDE] Everything you need to know about The Olympus Server

    Olympus is a prison-based server that centres around mining, farming and building up your own plots. Unlike any other server, Manacube offers Mana, Cubits, rebirths and many more unique features. You start off with the first rank [Slave] and slowly progress to the rank [GOD]. After you have...
  2. Miles

    yo wasup i been here since minevast dawg

    its me you most likely dont know me because i only play survival AAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNYWAYS -anime is trash, burn - i like skyrim - i live on the biggest(also im mvp rank thx bai) island on the planet aka austraalai -curry is yum and tacos yes thank please talk to me im lonely my pc is shit...