
  1. NinjaStar5559

    Earth P2W continued...

    I made a post a few days ago talking about how earth was P2W bc the champions for each month just bought crates and have the most money. Now that vault items are out from mineville... wtf. Strength 3 on a sword?!?! who decided that was a good item to put in a crate? Someone who is money hungry...
  2. NinjaStar5559

    Earth P2W

    Imagine, a server that has ZERO cash flow apart from doing quests that offer little cash and require you to do some obsurd tasks and then the ManaPond that is way to big and probably 25% of the drops are uncatchable. What if I told you that the best way to get money was by buy SpongeBob Crates...
  3. MrSirDB

    Why is auto jump a bannable offense?

    Im just curious, why is auto jump bad? I literally use it so my slow iron farm can get me money, do i have to purchase a rank before I can be allowed to be AFK, do I NEED to PAY THE SERVER so that I can NOT BE ON THE SERVER without getting in trouble.
  4. FlameTactic


    Does anybody agree with me that ancient and legendary keys are too hard to get in Factions and it can kind of become pay to win.
  5. F

    Survival: A rant.

    Survival is doing really well and I like it but there a a few things that just really annoy me. So I don't really care for pay to win when it doesn't really effect me and getting perks for donating is fair but when it comes to lets say going to the nether and getting lots of blaze spawner's for...