plot reclaiming

  1. Etho246


    This may be an unpopular opinion but I believe there should be an amount of time you need to be inactive, then your plot will be deleted. This is to prevent bots and inactive players taking plot spaces next to you then you are unable to merge. This inactive timer should be around 6 months so...
  2. ThatLuckyDuck

    Plot Un-claimable

    I once possessed plot ID#-69;-69 and issued a /plot reset command and found myself with the issue described here. I once again tried to claim the plot and was given the second message displayed in the attached image. I have relogged, tried claiming another plot, deleting said plot and reclaiming...
  3. Hanna

    Plot Reclaiming

    I recently changed my username about a month ago but, when I came back onto this server, I found that all the plots that I owned were gone. I had no idea what to do and I started to panic thinking the plots I worked so hard on disappeared. Luckily, someone told me what to do when a player...