how have none of any of us known about auction bidding and how to do it (/ah bid (item starting bid)


Sep 18, 2020
today I was bored and was looking through info for beginners and I went into /ah help and I found there was a way to put a auction where people could bid on an item once it is on the ah and it is /ah bid (starting price) while holding said item. it puts an item on the ah for 2 minuets and 30 seconds I think and players can bid on it raising the price and the highest bidder gets the item that is being bidded on, all of this is just my assumption of how it works. literally nobody knew this was a thing and nobody knows how to use it. I have been playing for a while and I have never seen this before and nobody knows how to use it. I don't know if this is new or if none of us knew it existed. Maybe we as the community and staff members can find how to use it and how it works