Ideias to increase the number of earth players


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
45 2
We all see that earth is losing players fast we need make changes to stop that. I have one idea. New players should like have death immunity for a few hours. Some people are always in the wild killing new players and that makes less people want play earth. Anyone has more ideas?


Earth Mod+
Jul 7, 2021
287 17
Good afternoon Duda,
I really agree with this idea. I can see that it would be extremely frustrating for any new player to work hard for the first couple of hours or a day just to have someone in full diamond/netherite come by, kill them, and burn their stuff/letting is despawn.
I know that this rule has been talked about/floating around for a while now. We are still just waiting for the rules to come out to see if this is a rule that they decided to implement or not.
I do however agree that this should be a rule. There are ways to see if a player is new. Players should be given some kind of immunity for even one day before they are killed. It takes a minimum of three hours to create a town just based of job caps per hour. For many players it can take up to six hours to make enough money to comfortable make a town. Players killing all of the new players just to make fun of them in chat and burn their stuff is killing our realm slowly...
On the other side of the equation it is a realm that pvp is a large aspect of. So I'm not sure if implementing a rule like this would defeat that purpose. There are other realms, like survival, that has a smaller pvp focus and in the wild keep inventory is on.
In all though I do agree about some kind of rule to protect the new players. Right now we are seeing a high number of players quitting within an hour of joining due to being killed, usually followed by extensive arguments in chat between the two players and the player who was killed disconnecting and not returning.