Strategies and advice

Mar 1, 2015
There are some people in SkyWars who use strategies to win, but some people just wing it. If you wing it and win, keep on doing that because if it works for you then it works for you. In this post, I will describe the strategies that some people that have high ranks in SkyWars use, and one that I use.

Weapon Damages:
Wood Sword: +4 damage
Wood Axe: +3 damage
Stone Sword: +5 damage
Stone Axe: +4 damage
Iron Sword: +6 damage
Iron Axe: +5 damage

Strategy 1: Safe and sound

As some or many people have seen, people decide to stay on their islands. Having that strategy has some disadvantages and advantages. The players see you with the island starting gear and they have the center gear or some other island with better gear than you have. Mostly, people have extra enderpearls to easily get to your island. Sometimes, that's not always the case. People make bridges and get to your island slowly and steadily. Most of the islands in SkyWars give snowballs (In MineVast). I'm guessing you've watched some MineCraft videos on PvP or SkyWar related videos. Those snowballs are very useful for knocking someone off of their bridge and it's an easy kill but not as great because if someone were to enderpearl, and their gear is a ton better, you're in some trouble. What you could do to win tha SkyWars match is try to avoid being knocked off of your own island, (arrows being fired, snowballs, or the person attacking you is hitting your towards the end) As people have mostly been killed in SkyWars by their sword, people also get killed by being knocked off of a bridge (most likely) and being knocked off of their island. Being knocked off of your island is a horrible thing, right? Well, to avoid that, try to always attack them by the side and move to the side so they don't directly try to knock you off, circle around them while hitting and stay in the middle of the island while they are at the edge. Hitting them off is a fantastic thing if they have better gear.​

Strategy 2: Taking Control

Strategy 2 is for the people who are impatient and rather kill people than wait for the people to target them. Being targeted for the people who rather take control and dominate isn't their objective, their objective is to just go for the middle and risk it all. Risking isn't bad at all, you just want to win and have that better gear before anyone else and have a total advantage. I do use this strategy and it works. There's also a disadvantage to those who are looting the chests in the middle, they can have someone attack them out of nowhere and it's basically GG for them if they don't have the center gear on before being attacked. Being attacked and looting, people respond quickly and try to fight for their lives. At the start of the game, grab all the useful items in your starter chest (snowballs, wood, potions, armor, any kind of weapon such as: axe, sword, or pickaxe because you need protection). Making the risky move could be very lucky or end up being a total mess. Being lucky is when you have all the armor and weapons that no one could take from the chests. (Always take the weapons that are better than the wood weapons like an axe and sword). When it comes to the PvP part, try to stick with the critical hit, critical hits affect the damage very usefully, critical hits do about 2 or 3 more hearts than average damage dealt with the normal hit (without jumping and hitting at the same time.). Here is a table that shows what damage the sword you use against armor:

The requirements for a melee critical hit are:
  • The player must be falling
  • The player must not be on the ground
  • The player must not be on a ladder/ vine etc.
  • The player must not be in water
  • The player must not be affected by blindness
  • The player must not be riding an entity

  • ----

  • I hoped you enjoyed these tips and strategies! Give it a like for my first post? Or even like it if it was helpful to you!


Jul 15, 2015
Really good post so far, you should keep updating this with more and more strategies. I would be willing to help if you need any...


Dedicated Member
Aug 3, 2015
64 10
Very good guide! In my opinion, this guide is quite brief therefore I may make a post leading with more information on top of this guide.

Best Regards,