Finished Sumotori January 15th

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Jan 15, 2017
Sunday January 15th

Join us for our first ever Sumotori event. Players will compete on three platforms to determine the Sumotori winner. Each contestant will be given a stick to knock the other players out of the arena. Last player standing wins.

Who: The first 20 players to sign up below. A wait list will be kept in case of no-shows.

What: A competition to knock or force your opponents off the platform with a stick. There will be three rounds. Round 1 will have 20 players. The top 10 will advance to Round 2. The top 5 will advance to Round 3. The last player standing will be the winner.

When: Sunday January 15th 2:00 pm EST (get your time here )
Contestants should arrive by 1:45 EST or risk being disqualified.

Where: The Events server (/event)

Why: Why not?

  1. mattswaggerben​
  2. NStarMC​
  3. Tywone​
  4. _omnipotent_​
  5. rainbow_firefly​
  6. NightmareElm​
  7. Manacuber​
  8. Capt_Nick20​
  9. FlashXPoint​
  10. PanicPilots​
  11. ChloeMonsterMC​
  12. CutePuppy871​
  13. KawaiiMiku19​
  14. Reefz​
  15. AmeliaBuilds​
  16. Rylee​
  17. TickleMyBalls_​
  18. Lxcify​
  19. skytrider04​

Wait List:​
  1. Manyrain​
  2. craftmaster1133​
  3. EpicYoshiMaster​
  4. Peculiarly​
  5. AliAliAli​
  6. ItzTylerz​
I'm always in if you need (came from the discord)
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