Guide To Owning An Amazing Party


Dedicated Member
Aug 13, 2015
102 2

I have been playing Minevast Survival for a long time and I have found that some people are in desperate need of some advise to making a good party in survival that can be considered one of the best. If you have any concerns, or questions still concerning one of the things that I discuss, than please reply to this thread, and I will get back to you as fast as possible.
Before we go any further, I will be discussing this thread thinking that you are the rightful owner of the party that I will be helping you develop to be an amazing party. Also, if you have any questions on commands, that will all be discussed in the thread, and at the bottom.

Making a good party all starts out with the name that you give the party. First, it is good to brain storm a good name for the party (EX. Vast, Royale, SpeedTime, Fallen, Etc.) having a good party name will help provide a catching eye site to those who will see you chatting. Also, a good thing to note would be the length of the name, nothing to long, and nothing to short, so it is easier for people to understand the name. Secondly, have the party name something that is easy to spell, so people are able to understand your party name as anyone else, as we all have different comprehension then your best friend or anyone else. Having a good party name is one of the first steps to having a good party. To make a party use the follow command: /p create (NAME).

Once you have an amazing party name, you are going to want to make a public base, a place that members of your party and go to, hang, chat, and also play. There are some good suggestions to making a good public base and some of those are large, space incorporated bases, multiple party owners use skybases, underground bases, and in the middle of the ocean drained bases. Having an unique base is a good start, if you have any good building design friends you can ask them for some assistance on your build to make a good lounge for your other members in the party. However, there is also good important necessities to making a good base. Such as, having a public storage area, and locations for your members to build. Many people for example like to make there members plots to build giving them a free area to call there section in the party. (NOTE - the more people you have the more power you have, the less people you have the less power you have, understand you must start small, and increase overtime, one person in a party you will not be able to have a massive base as "Royale" because claiming all of that land will require party power, and multiple+ members). To claim land - /p claim (this will claim the land around your location you are standing) also /p autoclaim (this will auto claim land as you go, so you can freely walk and it will claim for you), you can also remove claim land by doing /p unclaim.

Gaining members to join your party is and isn't as easy as it seems. For example, when you go on Minevast Survival, most players will be in a party and also requesting other players to join there parties. However, when requesting players make sure to do a quick brief check on them, by asking your friends or others, to know if they are good, reliable, and do not steal other peoples items. Also, make sure the people you add know the rules on the server but also the rules to the party you are developing, by telling them to not grief, to not raid, and also do not steal other things that people own, you can tell them also that if they want something to not be stolen it is a good idea to lock it by /lock (this will lock something, once you use the command right click the item you would like to lock, also if you can not lock that item, put a sign on that item, and then /lock and right click the sign, this will lock the sign, but you can also know that you can not remove the item that the sign is on), also you can remove a lock by doing /remove (this will remove a lock, once you use the command right click the item you want to remove a lock on, also note that if you can not remove/lock the item remove the lock on the sign then the item will be removed of a lock). Also, discussing the ways to add members to your party you can do these things /party open (this will open your party so members can go into your party without requests, which I highly disagree using if you do not want some weird players joining your party) you can also remove an open party by doing /party close (this will remove an opened party) also invite players by doing /p invite (NAME) (this will invite a player to your party, that they can join by doing /p join (NAME)). Also, if you are like me, and strict on the people that join your party it would not hurt to actually make an application people can do to join your amazing party. You can do this by going on the forums of the Minevast website and creating a post by going to this link - and clicking <Post New Thread> then discuss your rules, what you have to offer, and what you want them to do to apply for the application, such as reply to your thread, do not forget to make an application template, so they have something to preview, so that they know what you are interested and looking for in the application.

When you have got all the amount of players that you would like in your party, and have an amazing base. It never hurts to expand and make even better stuff, such as grinders, more plots to make even more spots for other players, and adding warps (ask a VIP+ to make you one) it never hurts to get someone to make you a warp to your claimed area, maybe you have a shop it is more convenient to say EX. - "Hey guys, I have a shop you guys can come and get something you want, do /warp BLANK to go and check it out" that would be the easiest way over having to say this: "Hey guys, tpa to me to check out my amazing shop!" this would be hard, annoying and stressful, because if two+ people tpa to you, only the most recent tpa request, will go through by accepting the request, then you would have to tell them the other person that tped to you to re-tpa, which will get annoying, real fast, especially to those who have to do the command which will remove business to your shop in your claimed party.

I hope that this thread helps you make an amazing party!

Here are the following commands you need to know to making an amazing party!

/p create --
Create your own party!
/p join -- Join a party, that someone invites you to!
/p invite -- Invite a player to your party!
/p claim -- Claim land for your party!
/p unclaim -- Unclaim land that you, or someone else claimed previously!
/p deinvite -- Remove an invite sent to someone!
/p leave -- Leave a party that you were in (note you can not be the owner by doing this, and if you would like to leave if you are the owner of a party and wanting to leave you need to get someone the ownership role in a party)!
/p kick -- Kick a player that is in the party (note you must be higher rank than member in a party to be able to do this).
/p sethome -- Sets the home that everyone can go to within the party!
/p home -- This will tp you to the location that someone set by /p sethome!
/p tag -- Change the name of the party!
/p who -- This will show you all the information of a specific faction, /p who (Party Name)!
/p mod -- Set a player as a moderator role (*).
/p chat -- This will make your chat changed, doing the /p chat once, will make you chat with all ally member factions, and doing /p chat twice, will get you to be able to chat with ONLY party members in the party, to remove this entirely you will need to do /p chat three times.
/p list -- This will list all parties.
/p disband -- This command will disband (remove) a faction.
Other commands that you may find useful:
/lock --
This will lock something, once you use the command right click the item you would like to lock, also if you can not lock that item, put a sign on that item, and then /lock and right click the sign, this will lock the sign, but you can also know that you can not remove the item that the sign is on.
/remove -- This will remove a lock, once you use the command right click the item you want to remove a lock on, also note that if you can not remove/lock the item remove the lock on the sign then the item will be removed of a lock.
/password -- Password command is with the lock and remove plugin as it is used too add multiple peope into a locked item and giving people the choice to password into it.
Party members in chat do not have (**) nor (*)
Party moderators in chat have (*)
Party owner in chat have (**)

If you have anymore questions on anything concerning commands and so forth, please reply to this thread or PM on the Minevast Forums!

Thanks For Readings,
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Forum Master
Aug 15, 2016
668 9
This is a really good thread! Great job, Ronan! Have a good day!
P.S. Thanks for referencing my party. ;)


Forum Master
Nov 3, 2015
1,145 45
This thread is amazing, so much helpful information in one post.

I'm sure many people will be thankful of this post, good job.


Dedicated Member
Sep 21, 2016
94 7
Dis is a good thread. I love it, and I think it will help out new players or players who are trying to learn the Survival ways. There are some more commands, like /party disband and the very overlooked and quite unused command /password which you can use to lock items with a password, which multiple players can use if they know the password.
But other then that awesome thread!