Search results

  1. rmc22

    Rejected Bottle Biomes

    Map: Bottle Biomes Builder: rmc22 Difficulty: Hard Warp: /plot h rmc22 7 Jumps: 85 Checkpoints: 6 Sure, Biomes isn't the most original idea for a theme, however, the bottle biomes puts an interesting and unique twist on the theme that I believe makes the map unique and original and sets it...
  2. rmc22

    Rejected Fantasy Hill by Poess

    Beautiful looking map, with nicely varied jumps, theme is alright and done well. Good luck. +1
  3. rmc22

    Accepted Poke Stadium [Expert]

    +1 The stadium build and Pokemon models are very nice, and the parkour is good and varied. good luck
  4. rmc22

    Accepted Goku [Hard]

    +1. The build looks great to me, and the theme is really good and original. It may look messy from afar but the parkour inside is fine and done pretty well and its nicely varied. Good luck.
  5. rmc22

    Rejected Globe - Medium

    -1, the jumps are great as always but this theme is too unoriginal, good luck though.
  6. rmc22

    Accepted Shaggy - Hard

    Haha this is perfect, +1. Great original build, good jumps and overall great map. Good luck.
  7. rmc22

    Accepted Laundry - Expert

    Really good map +1. It looks really great and the jumps are nice and varied and fit the difficulty, theme is quite original and done very well. Good luck.
  8. rmc22

    Accepted ISS // Insane Map (Resubmitting after adaptions)

    Easily a +1. This map looks phenomenal, the theme is really great. While the jumps could be a little bit more varied they're still quite good and fit the difficulty well enough. Good luck
  9. rmc22

    Accepted Water Wheel - Hard

    The map looks great and is fun to play, the theme is nice and parkour is well varied +1 Good luck.
  10. rmc22

    Rejected Bottle Biomes

    changed to hard
  11. rmc22

    Rejected Bottle Biomes

    There are no bottle maps? if so what?
  12. rmc22

    Rejected Bottle Biomes

    Map: Bottle Biomes Builder: rmc22 Difficulty: Hard Warp: /plot h rmc22 7 Jumps: 85 Checkpoints: 6 ye biomes isn't the most original theme but I think the bottled idea of it makes it unique and original in a way.
  13. rmc22

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

  14. rmc22

    What’s your favorite smash bros character?

    Mewtwo *dab*
  15. rmc22


    Le poll
  16. rmc22

    Rejected Enchanted Forest - Easy

    -1 Theme isn't very good and unoriginal Jumps aren't varied at all Jumps inside mushroom don't suit Easy
  17. rmc22

    Rejected King Dedede ~ Hard

    +1 I love this map, theme is original and the build is great, the parkour is varied enough and some parts are quite unique (like the distracted signs part) The difficulty is one thing i'd changed, for the most part its too easy for a hard, i'd change it to medium, and nerf one/two jump(s), the...
  18. rmc22

    Closed UNO TALE ~ Insane++

    -1... for obvious reasons
  19. rmc22

    Accepted Onett - Easy

    Theme is original and nice, the build is good aswell. Parkour was somewhat varied but could be better, you did use ladders a lot which is a bit repetitive. The jumps for the most part suit the difficulty which is great. +1 Good luck
  20. rmc22

    Somewhat like this

    Remember to put map submissions posts in the Map Submissions area -1, theme is unoriginal, way too many pokemon maps now and someone's done the exact same as this, couple of pixel art pokemon with parkour, but theirs was bigger and better. Also pixel art parkour isn't allowed anymore. Your jumps...