Creative Comer Cheese (2 months late) cheeseboy's intro!


Dedicated Member
Feb 8, 2015
80 9
i forgot to do this a LOONG time ago (that's what i think) and i need to do this ASAP or it'll be downright boring since i'll be famous on MV (besides Dacon, Dyn. Karken.... Darkai.....)
so... i've been playing MV for (estimated right) 100+ hours... and 10 days of it on Creative!
now i know what your thinking: Why did you join?! yeah... Parkourse... that's how i joined... long story...
Now i play Creative so much for one thing: Role Plays!
If you see me, i'm 95% of the time RPing 2-3% Making RPs and 1% actually BUILDING!
So... my RP life is owed to GraidyMario12... after all, he DID host an RP and i joined... (yeah... i started RPing on a different server... i just kept going but expanding) and ONE thing that might've not got me here today, is Aimvic! she was in the RP with me and it took a few days to notch up... Same thing... if it wasn't for the one (NO i'm not in love with her... dream on! i have a FOX!) and only "Purplegamer6070", i wouldn't be here writing this... (it would be a different story)
ok... So now i need to tell you the group (one of the biggest RP clans) is made by Purple... so i went from a Nobody with NicktheKidHD to "That One Role Player" i still like NicktheKid... he helped me... (i wish i could all buy them sponsor... :)) so that covers that... so the leader is Purplegamer6070... i joined in (3rd to last.. i can't count) and BEFORE i joined, it was Monster, aimee, Purple, Craft, Montux, and i can't remember the rest...

So that's that! i think i might make the totem pole move up in Minevast but hey, when you need fun, Contact me! i got a suprise and it may open in "May" :D

-Cheeseboy A.K.A. KingCheese, FoxCheese, BunnyCheese