ManaCube Weekly [Week 2]


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2021
ManaCube Weekly

Hello and welcome back to ManaCube weekly! Thank you so much for all the feedback and support on last week’s post. <3 This week I have added afew new things! I still would love feedback on what I could do to improve the weekly series! Also, I would love to start a community creations section! If you have something you have made and would like it posted dm me here : D


If you would like to be interviewed for this dm me on discord! My name and tag is Hetti#8829

This week I have added a quiz! Thanks to FlippyDoop’s suggestion! Answer below : D

ManaCube Twitter Themed Quiz!

What 3 accounts does the Official ManaCube Twitter follow?

A: @manatale, @xDacon and @manabuildteam
B: @xDacon, @manatale and @Minecraft
C: @xDacoon @Minecraft and @manabuildteam

What year was the official ManaCube twitter made?
A: 2013
B: 2014
C: 2015
D: 2016

What was the latest tweet from the Official ManaCube Twitter Account about?

A: ManaPvp Season 11 Release
B: ManaCube Trailer
C: Olympus Season 4 Release
D: Factions Season 13 Announcement

That's it for the quiz this week! Make sure to answer and gl : D

Server News


Three days after the release of ManaPvP Season 11 Dacon made a post on discord talking about how the new anticheat ManaRay has been going well with 650+ bans in the past 3 days! But on forums a thread discussing how they don’t think the season has gone very well. This thread also discussed how they think the new anticheat false bans often.


Factions Season 14 has been Announced!
It will release on the 24th of April at 3pm est! Make sure to be there!
Also Manaray will be used on Factions Season 14! Read the full announcement post here!
Server Updates

There were quite a few updates this week here are some of the important ones!

You no longer can use /speed in parkour races.

Now you can like arenas in KitPvP with /arena like

In factions using /repair when your inventory is full will now drop the item instead of it disappearing.

/ah has now been re enabled globally, Expiry dates have been extended!

In ManaPvP Enderpearls will not glitch inside blocks anymore!

The problem that made bow boosting delayed has been fixed in ManaPvP

Fish leaderboards have been added under the mermaid merchant in ManaPvP

If I missed one that you think should be here lmk!


This week I have added quite a few more stats, Instead of just being forum and social media stats there is now gamemode stats, and some others you will see! If you would like to suggest and more types of stats I should add tell me below! : D

Forum post of the week!

This Weeks post of the week goes to @SSM_GOD! The post is about a mindset called "Get It Fucking Done" It is a great post and I suggest you read it here!

Server Stats:
Most players on at once this week: 2089, 443 players less then last week.
Total players joined: 3,317,373
Total bans: 95,285
Cubits in circulation: 77,718
Total hugs:

Social Media Stats:
Twitter followers: 1531, 1 less then last week.
Instagram followers: 985, 2 less then last week.
Discord members: 42839, 236 more then last week.

Forum Stats:
Forum Threads: 38,481, 104 more then last week.
Forum Posts: 193,853 821 more then last week.
Forum Accounts: 62,999, 334 more then last week.
(all stats were recorded at 8pm edt on the 23rd)

Player Interviews!
This week we interviewed 3 people! I feel all of these are amazing and I suggest you read them : D
The 3 people we interviewed were @TigerTwist, @developer and @Acid Reflvx
The interviews have been put into spoilers so this isn't extremely long!

When did you first start playing ManaCube?
I joined ManaCube in September 2020.

What gamemode do you mainly play and why?
I mainly play parkour and I’m mainly there because of the community changes all the time and there’s always something different happening from day to day.

What is your favorite memory while being on the staff team?
My favorite memory would be my promotion to helper.

What is your favorite memory before getting staff?
My favorite memory as a non staff would be when one of my maps was voted to be featured.

What made you want to apply for the staff team?
I wanted to become helper because I care about the community and I wanted to be able to help out in more ways than what I could as just a donator.

What do you rather, Building parkour maps or playing them?
I tend to say “I don’t play parkour maps, I make them” in chat and this is because I enjoy building more than doing the parkour. Building gives me opportunities to show my talent and what I can give back to the community.
What gamemode do you mainly play?
I mainly play Parkour! I find it the only intriguing gamemode as there's always something new to do. I play PvP for example, and it's just the same thing over and over again in my opinion. I like parkour because it has variety. Also, the donor community is amazing there!

What is your favorite part of the parkour game mode?
My favorite part is the community. They're always kind.

Why do you try to have so many forum posts?
Good question. At first it was to pass Laney, and I scowl at my old outlook on what the forums were. 250 posts behind Laney, I was banned for spamming. After that, I realized: I needed to change. This wasn't working!
So, I relaxed. I apologized to everyone and relaxed. The problem was, Laney wasn't as active as me. I passed her 2 weeks after the change. Now, she only posts once a week. Now, let me get this straight: She is my partner. I am not competing against her. It's been a strange journey.

If you could remove one thing in parkour what would it be?
Logically, I'd like the strictness for map submissions to be reduced. That isn't going to happen though, so something that could happen? Delete all of the older maps so people would understand what type of maps ManaCube is accepting at the beginning. When I first started playing, for example, I thought that they were accepting maps like LuckyBlock and made a map with absolutely no variance (I ended up deleting the submission). You should see the parkour maps on some creative housing servers, absolutely trash compared to the maps made on ManaCube. Sometime when I have the motivation, I'm going to go onto one of those servers and blow people away with knowledge from ManaCube parkour! This has been an idea for a while now. I guess I'm just lazy :p

How many maps have you completed in Parkour?
I've completed 1620 total maps, and something like 422 unique maps. I'm very bad at parkour, as you can see in my render inspired by ThatComicGuy lol

What are you better at, droppers or parkour, and which one would you rather?
Since I've recently switched to 1.8.9, droppers are much harder with the camera perspective change than in 1.16. Therefore, I like parkour more. Droppers may have good artwork, but parkour variation is more fun to explore in my opinion. Some of the parkour maps have incredible builds, too!

How did the 1v1 go with Dacon and what kit did you use?
Ah yes, that was epic. I love when Dacon is interactive with the players and especially me, as I simp him. I might not have patron, but I purchased another Minecraft account with the username xDaconFan and got it MVP+. Currently, I'm saving up cubits for Elite. Anyway, back to the duel. Dacon and I dueled 3 times in kit fight (I requested legendary, but he said he only does fight kit. That's fine!). He won all of the rounds since my hands were shaking :/ I mean, it's not every day you get to duel the owner of a 3 million player server. I hope we can play again sometime! I really want a screenshot of me killing Dacon, that would be a great thing to put into my signature.

When did you first start playing ManaCube and what gamemode do you mainly play?
I started playing on last season survival, I mainly play survival ofc.
What makes you want to play multiplayer survival instead of normal singleplayer survival?
I expect some competitive gameplay from multiplayer servers rather than singleplayer world.
If you could make one change to survival what would it be?
The gameplay system to be more competitive and less pay-to-win.
What is your funniest moment on ManaCube?
well, my memorable time from this season was when my whole party member got banned, and all of our appeal also rejected so we have to wait one week for it xD its funny how we blame our party leader cuz of this.

That's it for this week! Thanks for 300 views on the last one : D
Any feedback would be
brilliant! Also I will post updates about ManaCube weekly on my profile! Anyway thanks for all the support and make sure to answer the quiz! <3
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Forum God
Feb 26, 2021
887 35


Dedicated Member
Jun 22, 2020
Wow. That is a lot of information. I actually had fun reading the entire thing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2021
This is cute, very creative! Good job!


Forum Expert
Apr 1, 2020
383 7


Forum Expert
Dec 6, 2015
263 9
Uhh wdym? Do you mean people wouldn’t like it?
i think pris means that some of the things said by the interviewee are a bit... controversial, to say it politely.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2020
1,364 146


Forum God
Feb 26, 2021
887 35
1. B
2. B
3. B
triple b, all educated guesses! XD